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Democracia, direitos humanos, gênero e cidadania : teoria, políticas e cotidiano das escolas públicas
Year: 2022 Publisher: São Paulo, Brazil : Editora Oficina Universitária,

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A visão acadêmica contida neste livro é singular e, ao mesmo tempo, multicêntrica porque ultrapassa os limites do fazer científico e desvela conteúdos da realidade de gênero em contextos históricos, sociais, políticos, econômicos, religiosos e, sobretudo, educacional para discuti-los em perspectiva dos ideais democráticos e de direitos humanos. O processo democrático brasileiro é analisado crítica e reflexivamente em sua gênese, a partir do movimento feminista, para a igualdade de gênero, ultrapassando limites territoriais que vão do local ao nacional, o que confere valor probatório ao conteúdo do livro. Verdadeira ênfase é dada à democracia e cidadania nas políticas educacionais para revisitar o conceito de escola como espaço social e de conhecimento para a cultura dos Direitos Humanos e da igualdade gênero. Em um recorte mais específico, porém não menos importante da discussão sobre democracia, direitos humanos, cidadania e gênero nas políticas educacionais, faz parte integrante o ambiente da escola pública paulista e sua organização como forma de avaliar os avanços e retrocessos causados por gestões políticas e governamentais. Relatos e conhecimentos sobre outros países da Ibero América, Portugal e Espanha, são incluídos como extensão da discussão sobre democracia, direitos humanos, cidadania e gênero nas políticas educacionais que se enriquece, especialmente, com as propostas de mediação realizadas nas escolas públicas de Valência.


Education --- Costs.

Öffentliche Finanzen und Umweltpolitik II.
ISBN: 3428064496 3428066219 3428466217 3428464494 Year: 1989 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Duncker & Humblot,

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Cognitive-Motor Interference in Multi-Tasking Research
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:

Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence Common Mechanisms
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Multiple relationships exist between antimicrobial resistance and bacterial virulence, and the spread of clones combining multiple antibiotic resistance and a high virulence level is an increasing problem. It was previously described how mutation-driven or horizontally acquired resistance mechanisms can also have effects on virulence. It was also reported that mobile genetic elements often carry both resistance determinants and virulence-modulating genes, which favors the co-selection of both traits. In the present volume, we present a collection of articles which document additional aspects of the interactions between antimicrobial resistance and virulence in bacteria, and describe their potential therapeutic consequences.

Class Action Dilemmas : Pursuing Public Goals for Private Gain
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0833026011 9786612451447 1282451448 0833043943 9780833043948 9781282451445 0833026046 9780833026019 9780833026040 Year: 2000 Publisher: Santa Monica : RAND Corporation,

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Class action lawsuits--allowing one or a few plaintiffs to represent many who seek redress--have long been controversial. The current controversy, centered on lawsuits for money damages, is characterized by sharp disagreement among stakeholders about the kinds of suits being filed, whether plaintiffs' claims are meritorious, and whether resolutions to class actions are fair or socially desirable. Ultimately, these concerns lead many to wonder, Are class actions worth their costs to society and to business? Do they do more harm than good? To describe the landscape of current damage class action

Paths to sustainability for innovative delivery system programs
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780833091277 0833091271 Year: 2015 Publisher: Santa Monica, California : RAND Corporation,

Developing codes to capture post-operative care
ISBN: 083309629X 9780833095411 0833095412 9780833096296 Year: 2016 Publisher: Santa Monica, California : RAND Corporation,

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Ovarian Cancer Screening
ISBN: 3038427152 3038427160 Year: 2018 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Presented here are scientific reports which add considerable information to the area of early stage ovarian cancer detection and the application of this detection to ovarian cancer screening. In this volume, the following presentations are made: 1) The performance of different ultrasound-based International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) strategies is analyzed to discriminate between early stage ovarian malignancy and benign abnormalities of the ovary. 2) Since oophorectomy confers protection against ovarian cancer, when adjustment for oophorectomy was made, rates of ovarian cancer were substantially higher. 3) The frequency of symptoms relevant to ovarian cancer was found to be more than two-hundred times higher than the occurrence of ovarian cancer and it was found that 80.1% of women expressed confidence in the symptoms they reported. 4) Complications resulting from surgery performed in the Kentucky Ovarian Cancer Screening Program were infrequent and significantly fewer than reported in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening trial. Complications observed were mostly minor (93%) and were more common in cancer versus non-cancer surgery. 5) Arguments in favor of serial ultrasonography as an alternative to immediate surgery are presented and illustrate the benefits of surveillance. 6) Ten critical considerations for ovarian cancer screening are presented in depth, highlighting their important bearing on ovarian screening outcomes and their interpretations. 7) Considerations that have psychological and behavioral impacts on individuals participating in ovarian screening suggest that a “normal” screening test result can have psychological benefits, including an increased positive effect and beliefs in the efficacy of screening. 8) The efficacy of ovarian cancer screening may be higher in Asia than in Europe and the USA. Additionally, the re-analysis of PLCO screening data, when cancers presenting more than one year after screening are excluded, shows a significant survival benefit in the PLCO screening trial. 9) The effect that ovarian cancer has on patients and their families is examined from the perspective of a first-year resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 10) The 50-year history of biomarkers and ultrasound in the context of ovarian cancer indicates the importance of serial application of both biomarkers and ultrasound. Taken together, this volume provides both original data and overviews of ovarian cancer screening studies that enhance the present interpretation of this type of screening.

Sustainable Real Estate and Resilient Cities Management, Assessment and Innovations
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3036558322 3036558314 Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Production and consumption activities have determined a weakness in the sustainable real estate economy. The main problems are the subordination of public decision-making, which is subjected to pressure from big companies; inefficient appraisal procedures; excessive use of financial leverage in investment projects; the atypical nature of markets; income positions in urban transformations; and the financialization of real estate markets with widespread negative effects. Furthermore, the overestimation of demographic growth has highlighted the need for urban planning processes to be restructured by limiting an area’s building potential, mitigating the loss of place identity with high environmental and cultural value, and preventing uncontrolled land use, as well as through the valorisation and recovery of the area's existing heritage. In this context, economic, social, and environmental demands are combined with uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This Special Issue book deals the most recent real estate evaluation methodologies, econometric models, sustainable building management, building costs, risk management and real estate appraisal, mass appraisal methods applied to real estate properties, urban and land economics, transport economics, the application of economics and financial techniques to real estate markets, the economic valuation of real estate investment projects, the economic effects of building transformations or projects on the environment and sustainable real estate, the analysis of the effects of COVID-19 on real estate markets dynamics, and the hit on the resilient cities' development processes.

Macroeconomía básica en siete lecciones
ISBN: 9585498588 958549857X Year: 2020 Publisher: Colombia : Editorial Uniagustiniana,

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La presente obra recoge años de trabajo en el aula en torno a la enseñanza de la economía como ciencia y su aplicación en el ámbito de las organizaciones y diversos sectores económicos del país. Este libro de texto tiene como propósito aportar a la construcción de conocimiento por parte de estudiantes y profesores de diversas áreas del saber, especialmente aquellos cuya formación de base no es la economía. A través de siete unidades temáticas, se presentan de manera sencilla y didáctica algunos conceptos básicos de las ciencias económicas que permitirán su fácil aplicación e interpretación en el desarrollo de actividades académicas, laborales y empresariales.

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